

Parkland HEALTHfirst


Parkland KIDSfirst



Provider Manual


If you are eligible for Medicaid, we can help. We offer these program services:
- The Medicaid Program (STAR)
- The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP/CHIP Perinate)

Parkland Community Health Plan has proudly served the people of Texas since 1999. You’ll feel comfortable knowing that thousands of Texans get health care benefits through our plan services.

When you join Parkland Community Health Plan, you can:
-  Choose your own doctor, close to home
-  Call to speak to a nurse anytime, 24/7
-  Get extra benefits – special programs to meet your health care goals

To join Parkland Community Health Plan, please call your STAR/CHIP Helpline at 苹果专用网络加速器(TTY/Hearing impaired: 7-1-1) Monday – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm, after hours or weekends – Leave a voice message, your call will be returned next business day. STAR/CHIP Helpline can answer your questions about Medicaid and CHIP benefits, help with finding or choosing a doctor, provide information about Texas Health Steps checkups, assist the member with scheduling Texas Health Steps appointments and solve problems in getting health care services.

透析Windows7系统中强大的网络功能 - 国际在线:2021-5-24 · 透析Windows7系统中强大的网络 功能 登录名: 密码: 注册帐号 忘记密码 天气预报 ... 、用于跟踪感兴趣Web内容的Web切片、用于匿名Web浏览的InPrivate浏览模式、浏览快捷方式的加速器、伍及阻止可疑的恶意软件和使用红色警告屏幕标记钓鱼网站的 lE 8.O ...

Parkland HEALTHfirst      Medicaid STAR               1-888-672-2277
Parkland KIDSfirst          CHIP/CHIP Perinate        1-888-814-2352
For members who are deaf or hard of hearing, you can call us toll-free at 1-800-735-2989.

We have special services for people who have trouble reading, hearing, seeing, or speak a language other than English or Spanish. 
We provide free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as:

  • Qualified sign language interpreters
  • Written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, braille, other formats)

We also provide free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as:

  • Qualified interpreters
  • 大时伋背景下抓住国产处理器的发展机遇-国际在线 - CRI:2021-6-6 · 需要指出的是,今天大家谈论非常多的深度学习、神经网络等AI技术,需要根据不同的应用场景,与感知、数据采集、存储和传输、安全加密等技术结合起来,也就是说,需要将AI专用计算单元和其他处理器、加速器、存储器单元通过不同形式异构融合在一

For financial Literacy information see the Office of Consumer Credit Commission webpage http://occc.texas.gov/consumers/consumer-education/guide

If you need a qualified interpreter, written information in other formats, translation or other services, just call or write Parkland HEALTHfirst Member Services at 1-888-672-2277, KIDS苹果网络加速器下载 Member Services at 1手机上这么好用的功能 你用过吗? - huanqiu.com:2021-9-30 · VPN属于远程访问技术,简单的说就是利用公用网络架设专用网络 。举个例子,某公司员工出差到外地,他想访问伋业内网的服务器资源,这种访问就 ... or mail to:
Parkland Community Health Plan
Attention: Member Services
P.O. Box 569005
Dallas, TX 75356-9005

As a member of Parkland Community Health Plan, you can talk to a nurse when you have health questions. You can call the nurse line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. English/Spanish/interpreter services are available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Even better, this service is provided at no cost to you. The nurse can answer your questions and help you make health decisions. You can call the nurse line at:

Parkland HEALTHfirst      Medicaid STAR              1-888-667-7890 or 214-266-8773
Parkland KIDSfirst          CHIP/CHIP Perinate       1-800-357-3162 or 214-266-8766
For members who are deaf or hard of hearing, you can call us toll-free at 1-800-735-2989.

If you have an emergency, please call 911.

唯冠与苹果 到底谁骗了谁(图) - huanqiu.com:2021-2-20 · 2月17日,杨荣山、唯冠债务重组总协调人李肃及伋理律师马东晓在北京召开新闻发布会称,唯冠集团从未出售过中国大陆iPad的商标权,“IPAD”海外商标也是苹果公司伍欺诈的方式取得的。“这进一步表明了深圳唯冠‘斗争到底’的态度。

Go to the nearest hospital or call 911 right away when:

  • You are afraid you may be dying
  • You are badly hurt
  • You have very bad chest pains
  • You may be poisoned
  • You may have taken an overdose of medicine
  • You are choking or having problems breathing
  • You may have a broken bone
  • You have diarrhea or vomiting that won’t stop
  • You are bleeding heavily
  • 网络加速器苹果免费版
  • You fainted
  • You suddenly can’t move (paralysis)
  • You are a victim of a violent attack (rape, mugging, stab or gunshot wound)
  • You have thoughts of causing harm to yourself or others
  • You are about to deliver a baby

For many illnesses, you don’t need to go to the emergency room.  If you have a cold, a cough or a rash, you can call your doctor. It’s the same if you have small cuts or bruises. You don’t need to go to the hospital.  If you’re unsure, you can call our nurse line. The nurse can help you decide if you need to go to the emergency room.

Nurse line - you can talk to a nurse when you have health questions. You can call the nurse line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Parkland HEALTHfirst
Member Services - 1-888-672-2277
Parkland 24-hour Nurse Line: 1-888-667-7890 or 214-266-8773

Parkland KIDSfirst
Member Services - 1-888-814-2352
Parkland 24-hour Nurse Line: 1-800-357-3162 or 214-266-8766

百度联合浪潮发布全栈式AI一体化平台 共同加速产业AI化-国际 ...:2021-8-30 · 近日,2021百度云智峰会在京举行,百度与合作伙伴共同讨论和分享了人工智能标准化、流程化、规模化走向产业的探索与实践。本次峰会上,百度和浪潮联合推出“全栈式 AI一体化平台”,共同推动AI产业化。该平台包含百度在

Our health plan covers health for our members as a whole person. That includes help for mental health problems like depression or substance abuse. You can access behavioral health care on your own without a referral.

For HEALTHfirst Behavioral Health Services Hotline 
(Includes mental health & substance abuse, English/Spanish/interpreter services available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week)
Call 苹果专用网络加速器(toll-free).

For KIDSfirst Behavioral Health Services Hotline 
(Includes mental health & substance abuse, English/Spanish/interpreter services available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week) 

CHIP: call Beacon at 1-800-945-4644 (toll-free)
CHIP Perinate Newborn:  Call Member Services at 1-888-814-2352

For emergencies call 911.


If you suspect a client (a person who receives benefits) or a provider (e.g., doctor, dentist, counselor, etc.) has committed waste, abuse or fraud, you have a responsibility and a right to report it. To report waste, abuse or fraud, gather as much information as possible and report providers or clients directly to:

Parkland Community Health Plan
Attention: SIU Analyst
P. O. Box 569005
Dallas, TX 75356-9005

If you have access to the internet, click on HHSC OIG and choose “Reporting Waste, Abuse and Fraud”. The site provides information on the types of waste, abuse and fraud to report providers or clients.

If you do not have Internet access and prefer to talk to a person, call the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Fraud Hotline at 1-800-436-6184, or you may send a written statement to the OIG addresses:

Office of Inspector General
Medicaid Provider Integrity/Mail Code 1361
P.O. Box 85200
Austin, TX 78708-5200

中证网专题 - 华为Mate10欧洲首发 AI芯片概念有望受关注:16日晚间,华为在德国慕尼黑首发新一伋旗舰机Mate10系列,搭载了华为海思的人工智能芯片麒麟970。在业内人士看来,这意味着AI芯片应用加速落地 ...

  • Name, address, and phone number of provider;
  • Name and address of the facility (hospital, nursing home, home health agency, etc.);
  • Medicaid number of the provider and facility is helpful;
  • Type of provider (physician, physical therapist, pharmacist, etc.);
  • Names and the number of other witnesses who can aide in the investigation;
  • Dates of events; and
  • Summary of what happened.

To report clients, use this address:
Office of Inspector General
General Investigations/Mail Code 1362
P.O. Box 85200
Austin, TX 78708-5200
HHSC OIG to report fraud

我国人工智能应用落地的关键因素-千龙网·中国首都网 ...:2021-12-27 · 提高网络素养 建设网络强国 中国特色网络素养学应伍马克思主义为指导,伍习近平总书记关于网络强国建设的重要论述为根本遵循,立足人类社会互联网发展规律和中国互联网实践土壤,伍提高人的网络素养为目标和任务。数据治理立法不能忽视法治原则

Provider Relations Hotlines:
Parkland HEALTHfirst     Medicaid STAR            1-888-672-2277
Parkland KIDS苹果ios加速器         CHIP/CHIP Perinate     1-888-814-2352

Provider Call Center – Our hours of operation for the provider hotline is Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central time, excluding State-approved holidays.  After hours or weekends, please leave a message. Providers also have 24/7/365 day access by utilizing self-service tools such as our interactive voice response (IVR) system and provider portal for eligibility and benefit questions.

Email: TXProviderEnrollment@aetna.com

Provider Relations Department

After you have gone through all of Parkland Healthfirst’s appeals process, a Fair Hearing can be requested within 150 days from the appeal decision letter. The Appeal denial notification includes a Fair Hearing Request Form (English /Spanish) for the member to complete and send to the health plan.

In the instance the MCO does not make a decision on an appeal within the 60-calendar day timeframe, the member may request a state fair hearing within 150 days from the date that is 60 days after the appeal request date.

If a member or as the parent or guardian of a member of the health plan, disagree with the health plan’s decision, you have the right to ask for a fair hearing. You may name someone to represent you by writing a signed authorization letter to the health plan telling them:

  • The representative’s name
  • The representative’s title
  • The representative’s agency
  • The representative’s address
  • 制造业仍外流?苹果美国组装厂两次失败后的秘密_财经 ...:2021-1-13 · 与此同时,风光数年之后,美国苹果公司在中国迎来了滑铁卢:一方面消费者不愿意为苹果2021年9月发布的新款产品iPhone XS、iPhone XR、iPhone XS Max买单;另一方面最新数据显示,美国12月伇ISM制造业指数下降5.2至54.1的两年低位,跌幅为自 ...

A doctor or other medical provider may be your representative. If you want to challenge a decision made by your health plan, you or your representative must ask for the fair hearing within 150 calendar days of the date on the health plan’s letter with the decision. If you do not ask for the fair hearing within 150 calendar days, you may lose your right to a fair hearing. To ask for a fair hearing, you or your representative should either send a letter to the health plan at: Parkland Healthfirst Attention: Member Advocate P.O. Box 569005 Dallas, TX 75356-9005 or 1-888-672-2277 or by fax (877-223-4580). If you do not request a fair hearing by this date, the service the health plan denied will be stopped.

You have the right to continue to receive services the health plan denied or reduced, at least until the final hearing decision if member requests a state fair hearing within: (1) 30 calendar days from Parkland Community Health Plan’s mailing of the Notice of Action.  The member may be required to pay the cost of services furnished while the appeal is pending if the final decision is adverse to the member.  A decision on a state fair hearing will be made in 120 days (for State Fair Hearing Requests through July 2023).

Parkland Health网络加速器苹果免费版1-888-672-2277

Toll-free number to request an Appeal or Fair Hearing

Parkland Healthfirst



Dallas, TX 75356‑9005

Contact number: Toll-free number to request an Appeal or Fair Hearing

Parkland Healthfirst - 1-888-672-2277

Parkland Community Health Plan, Inc contracts with Navitus Health Solutions (http://www.navitus.com/ - 1-877-908-6023, to manage pharmacy network.  The information for clinical edits for covered drugs, Drugs requiring prior authorization, Prior authorization criteria logic, Supporting tables, References, and Publication History. 

For prior authorization requests, see numbers below or fax the pharmacy authorization form. Providers must download the form Pharmacy - Texas Standard Prior Authorization Request  and click Here and obtain the appropriate drug criteria from the Vendor Drug Program (VDP) website. The forms can be faxed to the number below.

Parkland has a single sign on for all Texas Medicaid and CHIP clinical edits. All Clinical edits are updated as required and managed appropriately.

Clinical Edits are now at this address:


PA forms (STAR/CHIP):




Synagis info:


Phone numbers:

Navitus (Pharmacy)


BIN# 610602 Claim PCN: MCD STAR Claim Group – PHS and CHIP Claim Group – PHC

Prior Auth Fax


Important Phone Numbers for Parkland Community Health Plan (Pharmacy, Vision, Dental, Behavioral Health and Transportation).



Parkland Community Health Plan Notice of Non-Discrimination


HHSC Notices

UMCC Contract

Be In Control Program Provider Satisfaction Survey

人工智能技术拐点来临 未来将如何发展-中国法院网 ...:2021-2-23 · 由于网络技术特别是互联网技术的发展,加速了人工智能的创新研究,促使人工智能技术进一步走向实用化。 1997年国际商业机器公司(简称IBM)深蓝超级计算机战胜了国际象棋世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫,2021年IBM提出“智慧地球”的概念。伍上都是这 ...

Be In Control Program Provider Satisfaction Survey